Sound Bath at E8yoga, 1127 Francis Street Longmont
I host a sound bath every third Saturday at E8yoga. The cost is $35; you can sign up here.
Here’s one person’s experience:
Floating in a primordial soup of night sky and space...and then, softly, Christina's voice seemed to arise right out from the singing bowls themselves, a blending of tone, filling the space with a loving tremolo. I felt as though I were an infant, being sung to by my mother, while I floated in her womb. At the close of the event, Christina asked us to come up with a word that would remind us of this feeling, so that we could return to it at will when desired. I asked the Universe for this word..SHIMA....SHIMA...washed over and over me. I feel asleep soundly after arriving home, SUCH an awesome sleep, with that word gently repeating inside me, a word I had never heard before. This morning I looked up this wonderful word: SHIMA, in Sanskrit, means "love"--and in Navajo (I am native american) it means MY MOTHER. How in the WORLD does it get any better than that? HIGHLY recommend.