Are you frustrated because you’re not getting the relief you need from traditional treatment? Have you reached a wall that’s keeping you from doing what you love to do?

The trauma from injuries, surgeries and emotional upheaval is often stored (sometimes for years!) as restrictions in the fascial web. This connective tissue web is responsible for allowing your organs, nerves and blood vessels to move and glide, but when there are restrictions in the web, these structures can’t move or function well. This causes pain and lack of mobility, and often traditional medicine can’t figure out what’s wrong! Over time, untreated restrictions domino through the body, creating worse symptoms.

I use a holistic combination of Visceral Manipulation, craniosacral therapy, energy work and sound healing to find restrictions and help release them with gentle and precise touch.

The result: freedom from pain, better movement, and prevention of disease.


Note about COVID19:

We’ve learned a lot about the COVID virus but the major takeaway lesson is this: respect each other. Toward that end, even if you feel mildly sick prior to your appointment, please call and cancel the session. Symptoms you may experience (from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website):

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

I work to keep my studio safe so we’re both able to relax!

If you want to be cautious, please wear a mask into the building, and we can both wear our masks during your session, if you request it.


How can Visceral Manipulation help you?

Visceral, Neural and Vascular Manipulation (VM for short) can help with so many conditions, because nerves and blood vessels travel everywhere in the body, including to the organs. When a nerve or blood vessel is compromised through a physical or emotional trauma, it can negatively affect the functioning of all sorts of other structures in the body. Symptoms then show up which can't always be explained or shown with medical imaging. But through VM, we can release those compromised organs, nerves and blood vessels, decreasing your pain and increasing your ability to move!

More videos and info on my Tools for Healing page!

What Does a Holistic Session Looks Like?

When you book a session with me, I start by listening with my hands to find the restrictions that your body is asking for help with. I then use my skills in various bodywork modalities to provide your body with the healing input it’s asking for. Read more about me, or browse services.

(And be sure and check out my Tools for Healing page!)

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How can sound help you to heal?

Sound is the most ancient and powerful healing tool on the planet! Because your body is vibrational, it responds to sound vibration. I use sound to nudge your body into a healing mode, where it can make the changes it needs. Click here to see sound made visual.

Experience more beautiful sound- see my CDs of singing bowls for download on my Tools for Healing page.